Annual Down by the River 10k/3k Road Races

Entry Form:- DBTR 10K AND 3K 2013 & List of Entrants (as at Sat 2nd March 2013)
Results are available HERE

10K race starts @ 11:00am on March 3rd 2013, 11:05am for the 3K, download an entry form for more info. Great opportunity to get your 1st PB of the year on a fast, flat course. Free tea/coffee and pies/sausage rolls post race (100% horsemeat, none of your supermarket rubbish), we look forward to welcoming runners of all standards, scottishathletics affiliated or not.

achilliesheelRegistration changing at Cambuslang Rugby and Sports Club,
Langlea Road, Cambuslang G72 8HG (Bottom marker on map below)
The Start / Finish is on the service road off the roundabout on Bogleshole Rd. (Top marker on map below)
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Steven Miller

Do I have to be club affiliated to Run in your 10K? I’m a local cambuslang Runner but not in a club, I can Run 10k in about 56 mins or sometimes less!

    comments user


    Apologies for the late response, you don’t need to be club affiliated, you’ll do fine with any time under 60 mins for the 10k.


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sean mcminn

Will there be entry’s avaliable on the day??

    comments user

    Hi Sean,

    Yes, there will be entries accepted on the day.


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Hi, This is my first time running this race. Will there be water stations, toilets etc down at the start? Is the post race run nosh up down there or back at the registration area?

Cheers, Pauline

    comments user

    Hi Pauline,

    No water stations or toilets at the start I’m afraid. Toilets at the club house (registration), and that’s where the teas & pies will be served post race.


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Tony H

Is the run chip timed?

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