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Cambuslang Harriers, since its formation in 1948, has become one of the premier cross country and road running clubs across all age groups in Scotland. We also have a very talented girls and ladies group who now regularly win major team honours.
1. Ritchie Carr 16:19 (11:59)
2. Paul Kernohan 16:35 (12:55)
3. Julie Dell 16:51 (15:41)
Fastest Times
M. Al Campbell 11:18
F. Bernie O'Neil 14:38
U20 Gavin Smith 11:39
U17 Drew Pollok 12:05
U15 Ruraidh McGregor 13:12
2k race
1. Sam Riggins 9:51 (9:51)
2. Morven Crawford 10:12 (9:42)
3. Calum Gray 10:22 (10:02)
2.3k race
Sean Friel 11:15 (8:45)
Niamh Riggins 11:19 (9:39)
Caolan Millard 11:23 (9:13)
full results below
Join Cambuslang Harriers
Interested in joining one of Scotland's premier road and cross country running clubs as a member or a volunteer? We cater for runners of all abilities and offer regular training sessions based from our clubhouse in Cambuslang, we also have regular training on the track at the John Wright Sport Centre in East Kilbride, why not come along and join us?
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