Landemar Day Races
Just to update you on this year’s Landemer Races which will be held at Overtoun Park on Friday evening 25th May. After discussion the committee has decided to move away from the previous Tuesday evening event around the Sports Club playing fields and changed the formula. I have attached further information on the 3 races to be held. In brief these are
a primary 6 and 7 girls race starting at 7.00 pm
a primary 6 and 7 boys race starting at 7.15 pm – both races will start and finish in Overtoun Park with the pupils running around the outside park perimiter – 1 lap/approx 1 mile
a secondary schools race and adult community fun run – 2 laps/approx 2 miles
Entry to the 2 primary school races is pre entry and local schools have been informed of this by the Landemer Committee and have been asked to send their entries to me. The idea behind this is to reduce the admin side on the night. Numbers will be issued at the bandstand in the park.
Entry to the secondary and adult run can be pre entry and also on the night. Again any pre entries should come to me. The Landemer Committee has promised to advertise this race in the Rutherglen Reformer. Club members are welcome to participate and please spread the word around.
Our committee would welcome volunteers from our members in terms of issuing numbers, taking entries for the secondary and open run, helping at the start and finish of the race and stewarding at key points. Can you please let me know via the google group or in person if you can help or wish to run.
Dave Cooney
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