The latest Lindsays Virtual Road Challenge took place between Friday 8th and Monday the 11th of January. The new Covid 19 restrictions meant that all runs for the different age groups had to be solo efforts. 34 Cambuslang athletes had signed up for the event although in the end only 16 members participated due to the icy conditions prevailing at that time. This drop in numbers was reflected across Scotland as many runners opted out not wishing to risk injury on slippy roads and pavements.

Our 16 brave athletes deserve credit for just getting safely round their chosen routes and in some cases even managing to post excellent times. This was particularly the case for our seniors and masters in the 8K challenge. Four of our senior men made the top 10 fastest times with Gavin Smith (24.30) 2nd quickest, Jamie MacKinnon (24.38) 3rd, Craig Jardine (24.59) 4th and M35 Stuart Gibson (26.15) 10th on a hilly East Kilbride course. With such close packing Cambuslang not surprisingly proved to be the leading senior male team. M40 George Pettit and M55 David Marshall who was 2nd fastest in his age group and Jennifer Campbell who was 3rd fastest in the W45 age category all acquitted themselves well.

There were praise worthy efforts from our younger athletes across the age groups. Well done to the under 20 quartet of Ruairidh MacGregor, Holly Brock, Rachel Wardrope and Ana Bradley, to the under 15 quartet of Finlay Robb, Jonathan Dow, Abbie McClue and Lucy McGrandle and to our youngest competitor under 13 Emma Ritchie.
David Cooney