Club update 4th Jan 2021

Dear members and friends,

with the announcement by the FM today it is clear we are in lockdown for the foreseeable future, although we await on an update from SAL as to what this means for sport.

For now, this means that club activities are suspended and that meeting up for group sessions at the Rugby Club or elsewhere must stop until further notice. This is obviously very disappointing for us all.

However, all is not doom and gloom. Here is what you can do: 

  • You can still exercise in a group of 2 only.
  • We will publish on the website/facebook the planned activity for a Tues/Thurs/Sat/Sun – for you to do on an individual basis or with one friend.
  • Our junior and senior athletes can still join up to the Scottish Athletics Virtual runs
    (For seniors the closing date for self entries is this coming Thursday)
    (For the juniors info has been sent, just let your coach know you want to this asap – the coaches will be in touch)
    (Fiona will co-ordinate the entries for the junior virtual run)
  • You must not meet up in a group for a club run as we need to comply with the new rules which are law and to protect the reputation of the Club.

 Thank you.

We plan to organise a few on-line social activities to keep everyone connected over the coming weeks.

Des Dickson
El Presidente

Current SAL advice:

Here’s what this means for members and clubs/groups within Mainland Scotland:

*Although those aged 11 and under are largely unaffected within an exercise context, we STRONGLY recommend that ALL formal Club and Group activity is suspended from 00:01 on 5 January 2021 to midnight on the 31 January 2021.

*From tomorrow, you are allowed to exercise outdoors with members of your own household as often as you like.

*Everyone age 12 years+ can exercise outdoors with one other person from one other household but you must following physical distancing rules.

*Children aged 11 and under will not be counted in that limit, and they will also be able to play outdoors in larger groups, including in organised gatherings as within previous guidance.

However, scottishathletics STRONGLY RECOMMEND that all U11 activity is SUSPENDED until the end of January.