Corona Virus Club Update

Important news
With the challenge of the Coronavirus the health and wellbeing of all of our members at both junior and senior level and amongst the coaching staff is even more important than normal.

As a club we continue to follow the professional advice from the Government, Health Protection Scotland and of course Scottish Athletics.

News update.
We have just been advised this evening (Monday) that the Rugby Club will close from 16 March until 30 March 2020.

What does this mean?
This means that our Tuesday and Thursday night training days are postponed for this week.

The coaching team will look at revising the training plans for all their groups and they will be in touch later in the week.

There are no health concerns to worry about as it is Scottish Rugby who have been advised the club to close as rugby is a close contact sport.

For ourselves Scottish Athletics are only cancelling large race meetings and have given discretion to clubs to look at ways to continue with their local training schedules.

We will be in touch later in the week with an update.

In the meantime keep healthy and stay fit.  If anyone has a cold they are asked to stay away until they feel better and of course keep those hands clean.

Des Dickson
Cambuslang Harriers