Below are GPS tracks of some of the more popular training routes used by the main senior/vets pack on Tuesday evenings over the lighter nights. Most are variations on a theme and if you’ve ran one or two you’ll soon recognise many areas. On the maps you can zoom in/out, change to satellite image, go fullscreen, use streetview, use the altitude graph to see where the steep climbs are, etc.

Barrachnie Run.
Carmyle, London Rd, Barrachnie, Sandyhills, Fullarton:-

Total distance: 8.21 mi
Total climbing: 526 ft

Hampden Run.
Cambuslang, Rutherglen, Toryglen, Hampden, Kings Park Ave, Burnside:-

Total distance: 7.7 mi
Total climbing: 446 ft

Clyde Gateway Run.
Dukes Rd, Rutherglen, Shawfield, Clyde Gateway, London Rd, Bogleshole Rd.:-

Total distance: 8.15 mi
Total climbing: 447 ft

Some of the summer runs:-

Cathkin Braes, Carmunock, Phillipshill, Kittochside, South Cathkin Farm:-

Total distance: 10.99 mi
Total climbing: 1252 ft

Brownside Rd, Piggery Brae, Nerston, Rogerton, Carmunock, Cathkin Braes

Total distance: 10.53 mi
Total climbing: 1010 ft

Blanytre Park
RHC - EK Road - Three Corner wood - Blantyre park



1 comment

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Wendy Feron


I'm looking to restart my running regime again, I haven't seriously ran since last summer and think I would benefit from a running club discipline.

Thank you.